Jupiter Facts
-------------Jupiter Facts!--------------------------
Hi guys this is my blog about Jupiter. Want to more about Jupiter then read on!!!Born 4.5 billion years ago, Jupiter was the first planet in the Solar System and just like its name says the planet is the king of all planets! Jupiter is the the 5th planet closest to the sun and the largest planet in the whole system. It is so big that approximately 11 earths can fit the width of the planet, furthermore it's mass contains 318 earths and 129 mass if the planets also be counted. Unlike Earth and the other terrestrial planets it is made out of gas that its core might be liquid solid which would be surrounded while it could be surrounded by a big pool of gas. Jupiter's can be seen in different colours like white, red, yellow and brown which is made by different chemical elements. Maybe the most distinctively representative spot of Jupiter might be the big red spot that might be raging with winds over 400 mph which is 2.5 times faster than category 5 hurricanes. Flying 100 miles above the clouds are 79 moons of Jupiter. 4 of the moons weer discovered in 1610 by Galileo Galileo which were IO, Europa, Ganymede, Callisto and some of them may contain water underneath the crust. This is only being possible my the gravitational pulls of Jupiter, the strongest of the planets. In the early days, Jupiter may have pulled many rocks to destroy which may have helped the planets to grow. That rocks have made a shield to attack rock and then throwing it near like Earth and Mars. Apart from the sun Jupiter has named it important. Even though, it is far from the sun its day's period is 9 hours. How fascinating!!
From https://solarsystem.nasa.gov/planets/jupiter/overview/

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