Venus Facts
Venus Facts Venus is the planet named after the Roman goddess of beauty Venus is known by its exceptional brightness in the night sky. The planet is full of storms like no other planet in the Solar System. Venus is the second planet away from the sun. From a distance Venus looks very similar to Earth but closely it is very very different world. The whole planet is nearly the same size of Earth but a little smaller. The radius is 95% of Earth, its mass is 82% of Earth, 95%of Earth's Density, 90% of Earth's gravity. It is a terrestrial planet like Earth so it has a Iron core, Hot Mantle and a Rocky Crust. The crust of Venus has loads of volcanoes including Maxwell Montes which is the nearly tall like Mount Everest.Venus has a thick atmosphere which is full of clouds that rain Sulphuric acid and whip around the planet at speeds of 224 mph more than the speed of the category 5 hurricane. The atmosphere is so thick that the pressure would be same at half of the oceans pressure so if a human goes on Venus they would be crushed to bones!! The atmosphere is full of greenhouse gasses that causes global warming on the planet. They trap the sun's heat so it can can reach 880 Fahrenheit in the day which make it the hottest planet in the Solar System. There were 2 spacecraft that reached Venus's surface was Venera 9 which lasted 53 minutes. The other was Venera 13 which lasted 127 minutes. So not even humans or spacecrafts are allowed to remain because they get crushed. Scientists believe that Venus was not always unwelcoming because 2.9 billions years ago to 715 million years ago they thought Venus was like earth with shallow oceans and the temperature was just a little cooler than Earth that nearly contained life on the planet. Maybe 30 miles above the sun when the surface temperature and air pressure is the same as Earth are similar to Earth they have found black streaks which may be Microbial life. Even though it can't sustain life that makes it an iconic beauty. It reflects the sun's rays so in the night sky it is the brightest planet in the Solar System.More than 40 unmanned spacecrafts have visited the planet has way more things to solve.

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